• Charity,  Motherhood

    World Prematurity Day

    World Prematurity Day is on November 17, but it has really sparked vivid memories for us. It’s the one day of the year I never thought I’d celebrate. But being the parent of a tiny miracle, it’s a privilege that we’re able to celebrate this day.  I never wanted to miss out on my third trimester of pregnancy with Julia, but that was the hand of cards we were dealt. My water breaking at 27 weeks 4 days, then ultimately going through the scariest morning of my life (second to my water breaking), Julia was delivered by emergency C section. She was born crying, and at a tiny 2 lbs…

  • Motherhood

    Welcoming Audrey: A High-Risk Pregnancy.

    Getting pregnant with Audrey took some time, but we were so happy to finally be expecting a second little girl to our family. Once we shared the happy news with our families, we began putting in the “hard work” on a high risk pregnancy. After delivering Julia, at 29 weeks 1 day, we knew that our next pregnancy would be filled with more appointments and monitoring. But we were in the perfect place to be cared for. Our healthcare team was phenomenal, and I was so happy to see them for a second time around. Because a lot of the reasons why I delivered Julia were still unknown at the…

  • Charity

    March for Babies 2019 Ambassador Family

    This year for the 2019 March for Babies for Western Connecticut, we were chosen to be the walks Ambassador Family. We are so happy that we are able to share our story of how having Julia 11 weeks early changed our little family. Our sweet little Julia spent the first 50 days of her life in New Haven, at Yale. We were blessed to have a feisty little girl who beat the odds, and still continues to do so. Please donate to our team, help give other preemies and their families hope for tomorrow. Without the March of Dimes and their funding for research for life saving measures for babies born…


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