World Prematurity Day
World Prematurity Day is on November 17, but it has really sparked vivid memories for us. It’s the one day of the year I never thought I’d celebrate. But being the parent of a tiny miracle, it’s a privilege that we’re able to celebrate this day. I never wanted to miss out on my third trimester of pregnancy with Julia, but that was the hand of cards we were dealt. My water breaking at 27 weeks 4 days, then ultimately going through the scariest morning of my life (second to my water breaking), Julia was delivered by emergency C section. She was born crying, and at a tiny 2 lbs…
Catching up!
Whew! Where has this year gone? Between our girls just growing like weeds and keeping them entertained- this year has flown by! It is so hard to believe that we are in November! We are eagerly getting ready for the holiday season, and have begun our decorating at home. The girls are really into Christmas and it makes me so excited to see their faces light up when they look at the Christmas tree. We are getting ready to kick off our Holiday gift guide series here! So don’t forget to follow me Follow me in the LTK App! Below I have teamed up with a great bunch of girls…