First year of school in the books- almost.
What a school year! As I begin to reflect back on what this year has held for my sweet girl I can’t help but think how much change has happened in her little life.
I would be totally lying if I told you that I didn’t crumble into a million pieces in her teachers arms the first morning of school. This was the first time that Julia had really been away from us and it felt so weird.
This last year has been filled with so much change for our family- new baby, new house, and Julia starting PreK. But I never actually thought how much I would love our routine until COVID popped on the radar. We missed out on so many “firsts” with our little student because of the pandemic. While we are so incredibly fortunate to be in good health, we are still so sad to loose out on some milestone moments. If I am being completely honest- it breaks my heart that she can’t snuggle up to her teachers whom she completely adores and end the year on a high note.
We have completely embraced distance learning with Julia, we have even set up a small table in her play room to accommodate her little Google Meets time with her classmates. Now I am definitely not saying it has been a walk in the park to get a headstrong 4 year old to want to sit still and realize that its just a video of her teacher and that she can’t pause to see her princess dress- but we are making it work. Somehow.
Something that has really stuck in my head was during one of the videos from her teacher. She was beginning to sing the goodbye song at the end of her video like she does every time, and she just started to become emotional. Let me tell you, in that moment when I was already feeling sad over what our school year has become, I too became emotional. This was our year to watch Julia shine as a student. But I have to look at the positives, and not let my emotions get carried away. Julia has accomplished so much in the short time before we were completely distance learning. She has become much more independent, and watching her interact with her teacher during their time together is proof of the growth she has had. The decision to send her to PreK-3 is one that I am so happy that we made.
This may not have been the ideal way to break her into school with a pandemic ending her school year but I know that she is still so happy to see her teachers, interact with her little class mates, and have this extra time at home with us as a family. Julia was able to be there to watch her little sister take her first steps and cheer her on with us on a morning that she would have typically been at school. We have had numerous baking sessions together, and countless family drives around our area to just break up the day. While we may not get to see her be a puppy in the school production of 101 Dalmatians, or take pictures on the South Porch for her last day of school but I know there have been so many memories made together and if anything she has shown just how resilient children can really be. I have loved watching her grow into the special little girl that she is, and I am so thankful for the short school year that she was able to have with her teachers.
I am not quite sure what the fall will hold for the beginning of her PreK-4 year, but I do know that she is capable of anything we have thrown her way. Julia, you are truly a force to be reckoned with and we love you so much! We are so proud of you for completing you first year of school!

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